No Divorce Gossip

     What does this mean? Well, those of you who have read my blog, My Butt Hurts, how are you, know that I am a divorced woman. You also know that I have refrained from offering too much personal information surrounding the divorce for my children's sake. And unfortunately, for the curious reader, I have also refrained from divorce talk throughout my memoir as well. Some of my friends were a bit disappointed that I spared my former spouse's reputation but I did not do it for him, I did it for my kids. They need to decide, on their own, the kind of relationship they want to have with their father.
     Having said that, it's too bad I can't say anything because my memory is long and there are a lot of juicy details. What I can say, is that I have conducted myself with as much control as a girl can muster up, but I did get a few good jabs in there from time to time. I had to speak my mind. I am a protective mother and have been raised to believe in family and mine was being torn apart.
     The bottom line: My kids are happy, my family and friends are supportive, and life is moving forward with more ups than downs. Thank you Time, you have helped my healing process.

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